
Gerry McBride's Twitter breakdown of Regulate

Back in 2015 comedian and Waterford Whispers [http://waterfordwhispersnews.com/author/garry-mcbride/] columnist Gerry McBride used Google Maps and Twitter to guide us through the R&B classic Regulate by Warren G and Nate Dogg. This has proved tricky for me to find online so I found out how…

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Crunchie bar cheesecake base (for dummies)

I'm not one for posting recipes (nor, for that matter cooking, baking or much other kitchen activity), but since Google search results for 'Crunchie bar cheesecake base' don't come back with anything obvious or decent, I thought I'd whack this on here.…

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Handy SQL: Counts Across a Date Range

I recently wanted to list a count of occurrences across a data range so that I could render a line graph. I knew that some of the dates would contain 0 occurrences, so I knew I'd need to list all dates within the range, and left join to…

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Handy Winamp title formula

Despite Winamp's fall from grace and lack of continuing updates, many of us still remember the audio player that always has and always will 'whip the lamas ass'. It's still my player of choice, and this is the formula I've used for…

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How to track down log4net problems

This has driven me crazy on a number of occasions, so I'm linking this here to hopefully save myself and / or someone else the pain I've been through. Credit to David Espart for his Stack Overflow answer on how to track down log4net problems [http://stackoverflow.…

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